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Terms and Conditions

General provisions

1.1. The current offer is a formal proposal of the individual entrepreneur Hok Abdul Mohammad (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”), guided by Articles 633, 641 of the Ukrainian Civil Code conclude the Purchase and Sale Agreement remotely, that is through an Online store, (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), and place a public offer on the official Website of the Seller “” (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

1.2. The payment for the order by the Buyer on the terms of this Agreement, on time and at the prices indicated on the Seller’s website is a moment of full and unconditional adoption of the Seller’s proposal (as an acceptance) to conclude the electronic Purchase and Sale Agreement by the Buyer.


2.1. In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings:

* “Goods” is models, components, hardware and accessories;

* “Online store” is a means for the presenting or selling of goods, work or services via an electronic transaction in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Commerce”.

* “Buyer” is a physical person, concluded the Agreement with the Seller under the above-mentioned conditions.

* “Order” is a selection of individual items from the list of goods specified by the Buyer while placing an order and making payment.

Subject of the Agreement

3.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer the ownership of the goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to pay for and accept the goods under the terms of this Agreement.

This Agreement regulates the purchase and sale of goods in the Online store, including:

– a voluntary choice of the goods by the Buyer in the Online store;

– independent registration of the order by the Buyer in the Online store;

– payment of the order by the Buyer in the Online store;

– processing and delivery of the order in the ownership of the Buyer under the terms of this Agreement.

Order Procedure

4.1. The Buyer has the right to place an order for any goods posted on the Website of the Online store.

4.2. Each item can be in any quantity  in the order.

4.3. If the goods are not in storage, the Manager of the Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer about it (by phone or via e-mail).

4.4. In the absence of goods, the Buyer has the right to replace it with goods of a similar model, to refuse the order of goods, to cancel the order.

Order of Payment

5.1. Cashless payments:

The payment can be made in a cashless form via Visa and Mastercard cards on the Website of the Online store.

The payment can be made in a cashless form by paying the invoice issued by the Seller. At the same time, the invoice is issued at the additional request of the Buyer to the Seller.

5.2. Cash on delivery: payment can be made upon receipt of the goods in the post offices of the Nova Poshta and with the help of the “cash on delivery” service from the Nova Poshta. At the same time, the Nova Poshta takes a fee for cash on delivery which is paid by the Buyer.

5.3. All payments are made in the national currency of Ukraine — UAH.

5.4. In case of non-receipt of funds, the Online store has the right to cancel the order.

Terms of delivery

6.1. Delivery of goods purchased in the Online store is carried out by:

Nova Poshta: to the post offices where orders are issued, or using courier address delivery (for orders in Ukraine);

Ukrposhta: delivering goods outside the territory of Ukraine.

6.2. The cost and terms of delivery refers are all been paid by the receiver including the pick up rate according to the tariffs and rules of the chosen method of delivery (Nova Poshta or Ukrposhta).

6.3. Together with the order, the Buyer is provided with documents according to the legislation of Ukraine.

Rights and Obligations of the Parties:

7.1. The Seller has the right to:

– stop the provision of services under this Agreement unilaterally in case of violation of the terms of this Agreement by the Buyer.

7.2. The Buyer is obliged to:

– pay timely and receive the order under the terms of this Agreement.

7.3. The Buyer has the right to:

– place an order in the Online store;

– issue an electronic agreement;

– require the Seller to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

Liability of the Parties

8.1. The Parties are liable for failure to perform or improper performance of the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the procedure provided by the Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.2. The Seller is not liable for:

– changes of the Goods appearance by the manufacturer;

– a slight discrepancy of the color scheme of the goods, which may differ from the original goods solely due to the different color transmission of PC displays of individual models;

– the content and reliability of the information provided by the Buyer while ordering;

– delays and interruptions in the provision of services (order processing and delivery of goods) that occur for reasons beyond its control;

– any customs, import, export, and excise duty, VAT and other taxes which may be applicable to the goods

– unlawful illegal actions committed by the Buyer with the help of the following access to the Internet;

– the transmission by the Buyer of its network identifiers – IP, MAC address, login and password to third Parties;

8.3. Using the provided access to the Internet, the Buyer is solely responsible for the damage caused by his/her actions (personally, even if his/her login has been used by another person) to persons or their property, to legal entities.

8.4. In the case of force majeure circumstances, the Parties shall be exempted from fulfilling the terms of this Agreement. Under the force majeure circumstances, for the purposes of this Agreement, events that are extreme, not prescribed in nature, which exclude or impede the implementation of this Agreement, the occurrence of which the Parties could not foresee and prevent the attack by accessible methods, are taken into account.

8.5. The Parties shall resolve any disagreements through negotiations only.

Other Terms and Conditions

9.1. The Online store reserves the right to amend this Agreement unilaterally subject to its prior publication on

9.2. The Online store has been created to organize a remote way of selling goods via the Internet.

9.3. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information specified while ordering. In case of acceptance (ordering and payment for goods), the Buyer gives the Seller his/her unreserved consent to the collection, processing, storage, use of the personal data within the meaning of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”.

9.4. The payment of the order made in the Online store by the Buyer means full compliance of the Buyer with the terms of the Purchase and Sale Agreement (Public Offer Agreement).

9.5. The effective date of the electronic agreement between the Parties is the date of acceptance of the terms, in accordance with Art.11 of the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Commerce”.

9.6. The use of the Online store to view the assortment of goods, as well as to order for the Buyer is free.

9.7. The information provided by the Buyer is confidential. The Online store uses information about the Buyer only for processing the order, sending messages to the Buyer, delivery of goods, making settlement etc.

Order for returning goods with proper quality

10.1. Returning goods to the Online store is carried out according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

10.2. Returning goods to the Online store is carried out at Buyer’s expense.

Agreement Duration 

11.1. An electronic agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded from the moment the person who submitted the proposal to conclude such an agreement receives the response on acceptance of this offer in the manner defined by the sixth particle of Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Commerce”.

11.2. Until the expiration of this Agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of the Parties before the actual delivery of the goods by means of refund.

11.3. The Parties have the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally, in case of failure of one of the Parties to comply with the terms of this Agreement and in cases provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Seller details

12.1. PE Hok Abdul Mohammad

tel.: +380936208195

email: [email protected]

Adress: Ukraine, 03056, Kyiv, Borshchahivska Street, Build. 46/1, Apt. 37

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